Causes and solutions to convulsion

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convulsions are seizures that occur because of FEVER, which is a temperature higher than 38'c High FEVERS might come with an infection, we don't know why, but in these cases, the rise in temperature causes an abnormal electrical discharge in the brain.

Children who have their first febrile convulsions before the age of one year have a higher risk of having recurrent febrile convulsion. This type of convulsion tends to run in families and affects boys more often than girls.

There are many causes of convulsion apart from fever, Brain tissue scarring which might occur often in the head can cause convulsion. Convulsions in some children might be triggered by flashing lights or by looking at patterns on a tour cinema screen.

  1. Immediately your child body suddenly start stiffening just use Urine to rub his/her eyes and her body, let some get into h mouth
  2. pound Ginger, Garlic and onions mix it with palm kernel oil dosage, apply it all over the child's body and give him/he little to drink, allow some to enter his/her anus and nostril.
