throwback photo of Actress Ebube Nwagbo with friends far back 2000/2001

Nollywood actress Ebube Nwagbo shared this throwback photo of herself and friends, before fame. She captioned the photo thus:

 Which One Is Me?..ThrowBack To When I Was A Teenager…
This Should Be My 1st or 2nd Year In The University..2000/2001
 Before NollyWood Happened!!How Time Flies!!!Me And My Big Head.
 Thanking God For Life And How Far He Has Brought Me!!
My Friends In This Pic..Uju And Blessing..Omg..
I’m Sure U Ladies Are Doing Great Wherever U Are Now….#TheYoungShallGrowPosh#Growth#WeHaveAlwaysLovedToLookGood#IfIHereSayWe
