I Bet You Have Never Seen Cakes Quite Like This Olamide Smith’s Cake

 Olamide who is the Founder of Sweet Indulgence made her own wedding cakes and she also shared the stories behind them on her instagram;


 Ok so my planner and i discussed several times on the ideal wedding cake for the occasion…. well if i wasnt a baker i probably would have worked with a simple 4 tier cake but men… expectations were high …infact some guests were more particular about the wedding cake than jollof or souveniers ……anyway she kept disturbing me ..???.lol so what cake are making so we can prepare your stage…so i said a horse, infact the horse will be standing on just 2 legs and pulling a cake carriage! ..??????????..lol .. At first i had no idea of how to pull through but my planner and fiance (now husband) kept encouraging me and my team … Infact the first horse fell but with God on our side we just had to try again ….a big thank u to The indulgence team,@bridalboxng…. and my king


The inspiration behind this cake ….well i tried to incorporate some elements peculiar to our own ceremony ..i love blings and we love the design of the ring from@eternalgems_ng , the beads from@perfectmelange was also incorporated into the design ,Of course not forgetting the Holy bible ..we the yorubas love music hence the talking drum , the palm wine beside it is peculiar to people from the south south …The big suspended luggage is for me , the bride leaving Lagos to Akwaibom of course with my aso oke from @eviritasooke and shoe from@carissasonline …..Inspiration comes from different source(s)… well captured by the boss!!!!@klalaphotography

Photo Credit – Klalaphotography
