Goodnews as Modelling Agency Unveils Huge Plans for Olajumoke Orisaguna

Great things are coming the way of bread-seller turned celebrity, Olajumoke Orisaguna as her husband is about to witness a significant turn around, according to Encomium Magazine.

It has been reported that Sunday Orisaguna, husband to Olajumoke has resumed work and is doing fine.

The mother of two girls is still schooling at Poise Nigeria, where she is learning Etiquette, Social Graces and Grooming which will run for one year. Perks and gifts have been flowing ceaselessly to the new model.

Former Miss World, Agbani Darego gave Olajumoke Orisaguna many clothes from her clothing line, the report states.

We gathered that Olajumoke and high society photographer T.Y Bello would commence a photography project in a couple of weeks that would further boost the former bread hawker’s career in modeling.

Since joining Beth Models, Olajumoke has been making tremendous leaps.

Speaking on her progress, Laura Okah of Beth Models said, “We have gotten her a few jobs. Some are on the social media, while some are yet to be released.  When we signed Olajumoke, we didn’t sign her as a model but we signed her for image rebranding. We also want to work on her foundation. We are currently scouting for a sponsor.”

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