6 Things Every Nigerian Graduate Remembers About Their Freshman Year (Jambite Days)


After finally passing JAMB and Post UTME as the case may be, it looks like you are finally on your way to achieving everything you have ever dreamed of. So full of energy and expectation, you head all out to making your dreams come true but as soon as registration/clearance starts, you begin to notice that life isn’t a bed of roses after all. Those Jambite days might have been stressful but they were probably the highlights of some people’s experience. we wants to take you down memory lane, as we have put together 6 things every year 1 student definitely went through as a fresher…

Clearance: You think you have passed JAMB and Post JAMB and all your troubles are over – You have been admitted into the school of your choice, it may not be your preferred course but you took it anyway. Then the school registration starts and all of a sudden, the greatest queues you  have ever seen in your entire life is in front of you, sadly this goes on everywhere you are asked to go to for continuation of your registration. The file you have to carry about those few days become your easiest form of identification as a JAMBITE!

Always asking: No matter how hard you try to act like an old student, you just can’t because you unwillingly give yourself away every time. Jambites are easily recognizable as they are always asking for directions and looking lost most of the time.

Fresh fish: Anyone who likes fish knows the fresh ones are always sweeter. This is exactly how old male students see new female students. These old students cling to them hiding under the guise that they want to help them with registration or something else or be their unofficial campus guide. Well, that’s how many of the new girls lost their virginity.

Tutorials: Older students find this somehow gratifying to be lecturing these very eager and zealous newbies. The Jambites on their parts are usually the first to get to tutorials simply because their hunger for knowledge is second to none.

Libraries: Because there was a stern warning from home to read and not bring disgrace to their family, going to the library looks like the only way to bringing honour to their family name. However, for some of them it soon changes before the end of the session when they have fully acclimatised.

Dress sense: When you compare the kind of clothes you wore in your 100l days to the ones you wore in your final year, you can’t help but notice that you have come a long way. Apart from asking for directions all the time, the way JAMBITES dress also gives them away.

What fond memories do you have of your freshman days???

by verity Awala
