CONFESSION: “I Have Never Slept With Any Actress” – Majid Michel


Veteran Ghanaian actor, Majid Michel has just dropped a bomb.

Famous for his many s*xual roles with various actresses, Majid has been happily married for the past 11 years to his wife, Virna.
The actor, whom in some quarters has been perceived to be a womanizer, has denied sleeping with any actress in movies or ever engaged in extra marital affairs.
“Ladies don’t admire me, they admire the characters I play. If you think it’s you they want, then you are making a mistake.”
He continued:
“No producer calls me for movie role because of Majid, they call me because of my gift as an actor, so it’s not really your personality they like, and until you understand this, you will be fooled, and then get trapped,” he disclosed
