Thugs who were seen on DPO uniform after attacking police station has been arrested by police

In ongoing occurrences and activities, Hoodlums have reportedly hijacked the peaceful protest across a large portion of the country. 

Notwithstanding, a hooligan who was seen wearing the DPO's uniform after an attack on a police station in Edo was arrested and shown in a police uniform. 

"New DPO" his new nickname by which he is fondly called by other hoodlums was arrested and paraded in a police uniform while he was handcuffed. He was forced to speak with news men.

New DPO" His new nickname, by which he is fondly known by different Hoodlums, was captured and paraded in a police uniform while he was handcuffed.He was forced to speak with news men.

See photos:

Edo Police have arressted more than 200 hoodlums and the "new appointed DPO officcer" (formed by the youth) was among those captured. He was paraded in police uniform and cuffed while others were topless and sat on the floor. 

See more photos:

It was paraded before newsmen and agents of the press. 

What do you think will happen to this guy other hoodlums arressted?

Kindly Drop your comments in the box below.....


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