Policeman Arrest His Girlfriend After Turning Down His Proposal (photos)

Shoppers were left astonished when a 'policeman' handcuffed a woman after she turned down his engagement proposal in a Valentine's Day stunt.

According to Daily Mail, the dramatic act was actually a prank filmed by Pranksters Trollstation at a shopping mall in Wood Green, north London, with the group of onlookers cheering and smiling at what appeared to start out as a wildly romantic gesture.
But their delight soon turned to disbelief when the actress declined the proposal and the pretend policeman handcuffed her for publicly humiliating him

In the video, which has now been viewed nearly 300,000 times on Facebook and YouTube, the fake policeman goes rushing over to his fellow actor, who is waiting beside a flower stall dressed in a red tartan dress and heels.


The actor, called Nathan Brown, picks her up and spins her round, saying: 'Baby, I'm so happy to see you today.'

Trying to get the attention of shoppers, he shouts: 'Look, sorry to bother everyone. I just want to make an announcement.'

He turns to his fellow actress, called Amina Maz, and says: 'I've loved you for so long.'

Attempting to interject, the woman says: 'But we're supposed to be working things out.'

The man replies: 'We are, we're perfect for each other. I want to have babies with you. You're the only one I love, I want to be with you.'

As he then goes down on one knee and presents her with an engagement ring, the crowd starts cheering - but soon fall awkwardly silent when it becomes clear the man's feelings aren't reciprocated.

The woman says: 'We've been on five dates, I can't marry you. It's too much.'

Seemingly heartbroken, the man gets back up onto both feet and says: 'So now I look like an idiot in front of everyone."

As she appears to try to smooth things over, the man angrily replies: 'No, don't baby me. I thought you loved me'

A woman onlooker tells him to 'calm down', but the man's tirade continues. 'You've embarrassed me in front of every one. Listen yeah, I loved you,' he says.


He then demands that the woman turns around, and clamps handcuffs over her wrists as the shoppers look on in astonishment.

'Turn around, you've embarrassed me in front of everyone. That's it. You're going. You're under arrest.'

Addressing the ever-growing crowd around him, he shouts: 'If she loved me she wouldn't have done this to me.'

But a concerned onlooker says: 'But if you love someone, you can't do this to her.'

He then leads her past the crowd of people while shouting at her, before the unwitting shoppers are later told they've been part of a prank.

It was the latest in a long line of stunts and 'social experiments' by Trollstation, which has garnered some 170,000,000 views of their antics in total.
