Statement by the Chief Cabinet Secretary Regarding the Launch of a Missile by North Korea

1 At approximately 9:31am today, North Korea launched a ballistic missile which it calls a “satellite.”    The Government of Japan is taking every possible means including necessary measures such as safety checks of vessels at sea and aircrafts in the air, as well as safety confirmation for the regions where the missile was judged to have flown over.   No damage has been reported as of now.
2 Countries including Japan, as well as the international community have repeatedly and strongly urged North Korea to fully comply with relevant UN Security Council resolutions (UNSCRs) among others, and refrain from any provocation including nuclear tests or launch of ballistic missiles.  Despite such backdrop, North Korea went ahead with the launch following the nuclear test of January 6. This series of provocation in a short range of time gravely undermines the peace and stability of the region and the international community including Japan, and is totally unacceptable.  The launch is a violation of UNSCR 2094 which obligates North Korea not to conduct any launches using ballistic missile technology, as well as other relevant UNSCRs and the Japan-DPRK Pyongyang Declaration, and is also against the spirit of the Joint Statement of the Six Party Talks of September 2005.  Japan lodges its serious protest and strongly condemns North Korea.
3 Following the recent nuclear test, the UN Security Council is currently working discussions towards the adoption of a new UNSCR. In addition, taking into consideration that the UNSCR 2094 expressed its determination to take further significant measures in the event of a further launch by North Korea, Japan has once again requested that the UN Security Council promptly hold consultations on this matter.   We will strengthen our efforts as a Non-Permanent Member of the UN Security Council through close coordination with relevant countries so that a strong resolution will be adopted as soon as possible.
Japan, once again, strongly urges North Korea to immediately and fully implement relevant UNSCRs.  At the same time, once again on this occasion, Japan strongly urges North Korea to take concrete actions towards resolving outstanding issues of concern including the abductions issue, nuclear and missile programs in a comprehensive manner.
4 Based on the instruction by the Prime Minister, the Government of Japan will continue to take every possible means to ensure the peace and security of its country and the safety of its people, and will take the following measures. At the same time, we will consider our firm response towards North Korea, taking into account the activities and responses among others, of each of the relevant countries as well as the international community.
 (1) Reconfirm whether there have been any damages caused by the launch, including fallen objects, focusing on the areas where the missile was judged to have flown over;
 (2) Provide relevant information to the public appropriately and in a timely manner;
 (3) Make every effort in collecting information including forthcoming moves by North Korea;
(4) Regarding the launch which undermines the peace and security of the region including Japan and the international community and is also a clear violation of UNSCRs, further strengthen cooperation, including responses at the UN Security Council, with relevant countries including the United States, the Republic of Korea, China and Russia, and the international community.
5 We ask to our citizens to remain calm and continue on with their daily lives and activities as usual.
