Teenage Pregnancy And It's Effect(s) On Girls And Boys

A.. Introduction

     Pregnancy comes with some responsibilities (social, economical and health).
  • "Pregnancy is the growth and development of a fertilized female egg in the womb of a woman. The fertilized egg grows in the womb of a woman. The fertilized egg grows in the womb for 9 months until is delivered as a baby"

B. how pregnancy occurs

  • Each month the ovary releases a ripe egg and I known as ovulation, the egg which can live for 48 hours is then fertilized by the male sperm(which can live for about 24 hours) to produce a baby. The fertilized egg implant itself in the uterus(womb) where it is nourished an developed for the next 40 weeks before it is delivered as a baby.

C. factors contributing to teenage pregnancy

 lack of information on sexuality, curiosity, peer pressure, desire for money and material things ,early marriage, sexual abuse, not using contraceptive, Risky behavior e.g. substance abuse/ or alcoholism

D. Effect of teenage pregnancy on girls

Depression and sadness, low self esteem and stigmatization, drop out of school and eventual poverty, possibility of contracting STIs and HIV, difficulty in delivery of the baby because the Girl's body is not well developed to carry and deliver the baby ( e.g. labour may be obstructed ,baby and mother may die) and too young to carry responsibilities of motherhood

      effect on boys

may drop out from school eventually poverty, too young to father a baby and take responsibilities, worry may lead to failure in examinations, low self esteem and possibility of contracting STI and HIV


pregnancy at a very tender age is undesirable and very dangerous. unprotected sexual  intercourse is also risky to the health of any body. knowledge of how pregnancy occurs and the factor contributing to this will enable teens resist peer pressure and assertive enough to say 'NO' to sex. 
