Check out some mode of dressing that is prohibited in North Korea (pictures)

According to History Ville, in North Korea, it is illegal to put on blue jeans, high-heeled shoes, or any Western style of clothing.

                Image credit: Google

The best thing North Korea would have done is to stop or reduce the importation of foreign clothes to the country instead of this harsh law.

Can they beat their chest that all the amenities they enjoy in North Korea are of the country? Certainly No.

              Image credit: Google

However am not surprise because even in some region, it is an abomination or illegal for a woman to dress on trousers or bum short without covering properly.

            Image credit: Google

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With all the western education and exposure of the North Korean leader, he still wants to control mundane issues such as the mode of dressing of his people. I feel sorry for the ordinary North Korean citizens.

Well, some people believe they just want to uphold their norms, customs, and tradition.

Source: History Ville

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