Laycon clears the air as whether he would date Nengi or Erica

Laycon Clears The Air As To Whether He Would Date Nengi or Erica

The Big Brother winner, Laycon has been the talk of the town since he gained the trust and love of the crowd. The favour God has shown him have started manifesting to the fullest. When he walks on the street, he walks magestically like a king and president of Icons that he is. 

As part of their expectations after the show, they went for Media tour to Beat FM on Thursday for proper interviews. 

During the interview, Dorathy made it clear that she is preparing something for the ladies which will come in full like her chest. 

During the time of Laycon, the presenter asked him that if he is opportune to chose between Nengi and Erica, which of them would he chose?

Laycon simply answered with a question "For what?"

To make the question clearer, he asked again by saying if he is opportune to date either of them, who is he going to chose? 

Your Laycon simply answered by saying "Non of them".

According to him, relationship is not his target for now but his music. He said his fans are seriously waiting for the best of him which he is going to make sure he makes them proud. So also, he is targeting how to impact people's life positively. 

The Icon president has spoken. 

Do you think he did the right thing rejecting Nengi and Erica in public?
