Good News! Npower Begin Payment Of July Stipends – See Details

We are pleased to inform all Npower volunteers that Npower has stated payment for the long awaiting Npower volunteers July Stipend.

Npower stipend which thevolunteers have been waiting for the past 3 months has just dropped today at around 10am today 02nd October 2020.

Go to to learn more
What we don’t know right now is the batch receiving the stipend at the moment. The Ministry of Humanitarian affairs exited batch A by June and batch B in July 2020. So, as it is at the moment, only batch b may likely be receiving the payment.

We would inforn you of any latest development as soon as there is any. For now, you can leave a reply on the comment section below if you have any questions regarding the Npower July Stipend 2020.

