Mistake that can kill your phone battery quickly

Phones are popularly used all over the world today. We have generation of Nokia, Samsung, Tecno ,Infinix and many others. From symbian phones we moved to Java phones and screen touch. We also moved to Android and iOS from there.

One problem of smartphones is their battery. If battery is not good, people do complain about it. A phone without a good battery is not useful enough.

So, in this article, I will introduce you to some mistakes people make, that can destroy their phone battery quickly;

1. Charging and pressing/ touching your phone at the same time: this is a common thing among people. This kills battery easily. When you are charging your phone, make sure you don’t do any activity on it, as it increases the temperature of the phone and also weakens the battery.

2. Usinh battery charging apps: there are some apps on playstore that enables your battery to charge faster. Please stop using this. They weaken the battery. You might think that your battery is charging faster, but no. It is affecting the cells in the battery and this can kill your battery easily.

3. Using hotspot and mobile data Everytime: most people like to keep the data of their phones switch on . But this is how mobile data weakens the battery; when you are in area where there is low network, it makes the battery drain faster. Just notice this when there is poor Network in your area. Switching on hospots can also drain and weaken your battery easily.

4. Keeping many background activities awake: if you are using an Android phone, make sure you minimize how the apps you open on your phone. Turning background activities can weaken your battery easily. The more apps running in background, the more your battery “wastes”

5. Area of High temperature: in a place where the temperature is too high, it affects your battery power. I will advise you to put your phone in a place that has a normal temperature. Don’t put phones in your pockets, they become hot due to the temperature and staying in the pocket for a long time.

Once you follow these and you avoid the mistakes, you will enjoy the phone and the battery.
