Why Men Be careful Who They Bring Home Look What This Man Found In A Girlfriend’s Bag

First of all we can’t be sure about who people are 100% , we meet them, we have fun and then its when we don’t see the need to do a background check on the person ,because we have created this innocent and perfect of the person in our mind and the feelings that cloud our judgement and our emotions on everything

You might have been told about the past of that person before or what they do but the image you have creates disables you from believing that a person that can make you soo happy or make you feel soo good about yourself can turn and do such things, yes it happens

Now a male in his late 20s met a woman on social media that she has been talking with for quite a while, the two did meet ups ,had several dates and the man invited the lady over for a weekend at his place

See visiting for a weekend or even a day requires you to have a hand bag , to put the important things that you might need to protect yourself or help yourself if it happens that you have an unexpected period, that’s why most men don’t feel comfortable in searching a woman’s bag but sometimes it might be help you

The two spend a weekend together ,and everything went great until the man noticed that her bag had an unusual shape than before, when she came it was light and looked light it did not have much but when she was about to leave and went to the bathroom all of sudden it looked full , he opened it and found half of his groceries in the bag milk, salt , spice , knorrox and two pieces of chicken in the bag

